Tina's Cylindrical Slide Rules

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Keuffel and Esser

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Fuller Mark I, Serial Number 12358 59. This has a spiral logarithmic scale 41' long.

Fuller Mark I, Serial Number 13304 67. This has a spiral logarithmic scale 41' long.

Loga Drum Calculator. The scale is spilt into 60 X 25cm lengths giving a total scale length of 15m. The base scale is made up of 2 X 15m scales side by side. The cursor scale consists of 60 X 25cm strips carrying the 15m scale.

Carbic Limited Otis King Cylindrical Slide Rule Model L (N2798), Type B Scales 429 and 430

Carbic Limited Otis King Cylindrical Slide Rule Model K (X9301), Type C Scales 414 and 423

Carbic Limited Otis King Cylindrical Slide Rule Model K (Y9771), Type C Scales 414 and 423

Carbic Limited Otis King Cylindrical Slide Rule Model K (7767), Type A Scales 414 and 423

Thacher 4012 3368 Made by Keuffel & Esser Co.

Tina's Thrupenny Slide Rule. Homemade Cylindrical Slide Rule. Three Hoola Hoops cartons stuck together, Thacher base (A) scale downloaded from the Slide Rule Museum and stuck on, sheet of celluloid wrapped around it as the cursor. The sum shown is 139 x 162. Place the star on number 1 and the Xmas Tree on second cursor to 139. Move the Star to 162 and read the result next to the Xmas Tree. Gives the result 22520. Thacher accuracy for pennies. This slide rule is the subject of an article for UKSRC Gazette No. 12

Tina's Bygrave. Homemade Cylindrical Position Line Slide Rule Mark I. The Cosine and Cotangent scales were downloaded from Gary LaPook's Freddie Noonan website and stuck onto a convenient cardboard tube. The cursor design is the same as that for Tina's Thrupenny Slide Rule. Use the cursors to set the cosines then slide the main cursor to the cotangent scale to find the results.

Tina's Bygrave. Homemade Cylindrical Position Line Slide Rule Mark II. This is functionally the same as the Mark I slide rule. The difference is that I have redrawn the scale in a gridiron format with the cosine and cotangent scales combined.

Tina's Cylindrical Complex Number Slide Rule. The scale was downloaded from Robert Dawson's website and stuck onto a convenient cardboard tube. The cursor design is the same as that for Tina's Thrupenny Slide Rule.

Tina's Cylindrical Log Spiral Derivative. The curve was hand drawn and attached to a cylinder. The major cursor carries a linear scale and spans the complete rule. The minor cursor is 3cm wide and has a crosshair and a centre line.

Tina's Cylindrical Log Spiral Derivative MkII. The curve was hand drawn and attached to a cylinder with linear scales, including sines, cosines, tangents, cotangents and reciprocals. The major cursor carries mirror images of the curves on the stock and spans the complete rule. The minor cursor is 3cm wide and has a crosshair and a centre line.

Tina's Cylindrical Log Spiral Derivative MkIII. The curve was hand drawn and attached to a cylinder. In this case the Log Curve has been stretched to wrap around the cylinder 8 times. The Linear Scale is on the Main Cursor with the Minor Cursor as in previous examples. Whilst this design does work it is not easy to use and I am not going to recommend that you make one yourself.

Tina's Cylindrical Log Spiral Derivative MkIV. The curve was hand drawn and attached to a cylinder. In this case the Log Curve has been stretched to wrap around the cylinder 4 times. The Linear Scale is on the Main Cursor with the Minor Cursor as in previous examples. The Log Line has had a numerical scale added to make setting more accurate and a Clock Scale has been added at one end to help keep track of the scale on which the result will be found.

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